Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month

July is Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month. In the health industry, Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is often referred to as JIA. This month, health organizations around the US strive to raise awareness for JIA and provide resources for those with the autoimmune disorder. Many think of arthritis as a disorder affecting those more advanced in age, however, […]
Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

Do you know someone who has Alzheimer’s? Alzheimer’s is ranked the number seven leading cause of death in the United States, with about 6 million Americans diagnosed. June is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. The effects Alzheimer’s can have on oneself as well as one’s family are often challenging. Below are a few tips to help […]
National Stress Awareness Month

April is designated as National Stress Awareness Month. Excess stress affects your everyday life and can lead to long-term health complications. Below are a few tactics that may help you relieve extra stress in your daily life: Exercise Not only is exercise great for your physical body, but it can also help you relieve yourself […]
Older Americans Month

Older Americans Month is an annual observance established in 1963 to honor the older adults in our society. Each May, communities across the United States celebrate Older Americans Month by honoring family members, friends, and acquaintances for their accomplishments. This month is an ideal time to recognize the challenges older Americans face and spread awareness […]